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I am currently seeking sponsors for my podcast so that I can continue to take the time to do the research, interviews, event collection, production and promotion every week for you.

If you are interested in sponsorship, please get in touch with me using our contact page.

Here are the sponsorship levels I am currently offering:

These are (up to) 15-30 second spots between segments. There are currently 5 segments per episode.
Level 1 – $25 podcast mention only
Level 2 – $40 podcast mention, link in show notes and banner ad on episode post on website
Segment sponsorships are purchased in blocks of 10 ($250 for Level 1, $400 for Level 2).
There are currently 5 segment sponsorships available per episode.

These are (up to) 1 minute spots at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the episode. There is currently one episode per week.
Level 1 – $150 podcast mention only
Level 2 – $200 podcast mention, link and banner ad in show notes and link and banner ad on episode post on website
Episode sponsorships are purchased individually.
There is currently only one episode sponsorship available per episode.

We can spotlight your business or event on one of our episodes for $400.
The episodes are currently approximately 30 minutes long.
With your business spotlight, we will meet in person or virtually to create the content for your segment. You may be recorded for the spotlight or for the segment sponsorships). Your business will have a 10 minute spotlight in the episode.
You will also receive 2 segment spots (one for either side of your segment), as well as a link and banner ad in show notes, a link and banner ad on the episode post on the website, and two posts to our social media channels for your spotlight episode.
There is currently only one business spotlight sponsorship available per episode.

You can be a monthly sponsor for $1000 a month.
General podcast sponsorship gets you a podcast mention on every episode (currently 4 episodes per month), a link and banner ad on all episode show notes for that month, a link and banner ad on the website for the month, and a weekly posts to our social media channels (content to be curated together).
Monthly podcast sponsorships are purchased individually, and run for 4 consecutive weeks.
There is currently only one monthly podcast sponsorship available per month.

Thank you for your consideration! If you have any questions about sponsorship be sure to reach out.

Please note that all sponsorship purchases are the price listed above, plus HST.

Tracey D’Aviero
Osgoode Community Chronicles Host
Contact Page: