Hello and welcome to another episode of Osgoode Community Chronicles.
Episode Summary
Welcome to another episode of Osgoode Community Chronicles.
Each week we will bring you the news, events, businesses, community voices and more from our local area.
Here is the content for this week, January 21:
1:00 – Updates from last week and what’s coming up in this week’s episode
3:30 – News and Events: the events taking place this week in your community
9:00 – Business Segment: The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA)
13:30 – Historical Segment: The Loney Family
21:00 – Community Voices: Daley’s Diary from 1976 Historical Society Newsletter
27:15 – Mental Health Moment: Just a Mom?? from the files of (Grandma) Mary Blanchfield
Thanks for tuning in! I hope you enjoy it!
See you next week!

Links to News and Events:
Every week on the podcast we’ll share some of the local events that are taking place in the area. So many great people doing great things – be sure you get out to support them!
Rideau Valley Conservation Authority is hiring post secondary students for a wide range of jobs, including field experience. Share with young people you know!
Seniors Community Services in Kemptville is looking for volunteers for their Friendly Visits program and other opportunities. Contact Jill Woodley for more information. Your kindness can be the difference between isolation and connection. Your time can bring warmth, laughter and joy.
There are a number of community safety town hall meetings upcoming in conjunction with the local community associations and the Ottawa Police:
The first one is hosted by Manotick Community Association on Tuesday Feb 4 at Manotick United Church at 2 pm and again at 6:30 pm. Topics covered will include scam prevention, auto theft protection, home and personal safety, and neighbourhood watch.
Here are this week’s events:
Every Monday there is euchre at the Osgoode Legion, starting at 6:30 pm – everyone is welcome. Darts on Tuesday and Bingo on Thursday too.
Greely Legion hosting their monthly euchre tournament starting at noon. It’s on the second Saturday of every month and the next one is Feb 8, then Mar 8, Apr 12, May 10
January 30 – OYA is hosting a focus group on mental health and social media use – It starts at 5:30 as part of teen drop in, and they’ll have free pizza for grades 7 to 12.
January 30 – Greely Winter Carnival – Jan 30 to Feb 2 – full calendar of activities – charity bingo, kids glow dance, firefighters pancake breakfast, magic show, outdoor activities, sleigh rides, absolute comedy show for adults, greely lion’s brunch and more.
Feb 1st – Tickets go on sale for Greely Players presentation Grease on the 1st! The run dates are March 19 to 23rd at the Greely Community Centre
Feb 1 – Kemptville Snowmobile Club 50th anniversary Snowarama dinner is at the clubhouse. $30/person.
Feb 1 – Kemptville Carnival takes place on Saturday at Curry Park and Ferguson Forest Centre. Skating, performances, beavertails, free hot chocolate, fun family activities in the family fun zone, horse drawn carriage rides and more. Free admission.
Feb 3 and 5 – OYA is hosting two more focus groups, these ones are for grades 2 to 6. They identified a major gap in programming for this age group in the village and want to hear from parents about the services you would like to see. RSVP to Carley at OYA to join.
Feb 6-8 – Manotick Shiverfest takes place over 3 days. Activities include pancake breakfast, chili cookoff, bingo – there’s an open mic on Thursday night at the Mill Tavern, a music concert at Manotick United Church on Friday, snow shoe races, scavenger hunt, outdoor bonfire and neon dance, Osgoode Rideau timbits hockey, magic show, Rideau Skating Club exhibition, curling, horse drawn sleigh rides and a whole lot more.
Feb 7 – MACAW Manotick and Area Centre for Arts and Wellness focuses on intergenerational connections for seniors through arts and wellness. On the 7th they are hosting a friends and neighbours dance party featuring the Retrosonics at Manotick United Church. Doors open at 7 pm, and the tickets are $10 per person.
Feb 7 to March 14 – The Seniors Community Services has a therapeutic art group for seniors starting on Friday afternoons. Feb 7 is the first session and the group runs for 8 weeks. The cost is $35 to cover materials.
Feb 8 – ROSSS is having a community consultation in Greely for seniors. If you are a senior living in Greely or providing care or sharing a home with a senior parent, they want to hear from you. Starting at 10 am at the community centre, they will share all about ROSSS’s services available to seniors living in Greely and take feedback on programming. It’s free and light snacks will also be available.
Feb 8-9 – Vernon Winter Carnival – crafts, snow painting, kub kar races, brunch, church service and more crafts on day 2.
Feb 8 – The Rideau Snowmobile Club is hosting their poker rally starting at the North Gower RA. The cost is $25 per ride, and cash prizes will be awarded for best poker hands. First prize, best poker hand wins $500.
Feb 9-10 – Kenmore Winter Carnival is on Feb 9 and 10. Starts Friday night with a youth Valentines dance at the community hall, ice sculpture / snow creation contest, and then on Saturday they are having pancake breakfast, colouring contest, outdoor family activities including a family skate, tobogganing, touch a a truck event, a chili cook off/lunch with proceeds going to Lifes a Trip Foundation, and a shinny hockey game at the park.
Youth Associations:
Teen Drop in Grades 7 to 12 at OYA on Main Street every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. See their website for details.
Free Youth Drop In at G-YA Mondays. Open to youth in Greely grades 7 to 12 at Greely Community Centre, see their Facebook page for details.
YOMA Pre Teen Night and Youth Drop In on Fridays at the Community Centre. 6:30 for pre-teens and 7:30 for teens.
Kemptville Youth – Calendar includes mental health Mondays, cooking program, music and DND, scrapbooking, board games and more.
Have a great week!